Wednesday, March 2, 2011

praying God's word...

I believe this is supposed to be week 9.  I have not been doing a great job of keeping up with this on my blog like I had wanted.  I am going to attempt to recommit to posting about it by Monday night at the latest.  I hope I can stick with it!

So, last week I didn't post a new verse.  Honestly, it wasn't because I was praying the verse from the week before again but because I just got distracted from this priority.  I really slacked off last week from praying God's word, and I truly felt it in the stress and general lack of peace that overwhelmed me.  Our week was crazy, I will admit that, but I needed that quiet time with the Lord throughout my days.  Last week was a reminder to me of how easily I put my time with the Lord on the back burner and hardly give it a thought.  I hate that because spending time in the Lord and praying refreshes me, fills me up, and centers me on the things that matter most.  So, here's to starting a new week {2 days ago}!

My verse for the week before last {week 7 if you are keeping up} was:
"Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless--cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it." 1 Peter 4:8-9 {The Message}
*The Lord revealed to me that I totally don't get this verse.  I don't know what it means to love people that deeply.  Sure I love my family and close friends deeply, but I don't know what it means to sincerely extend that love to everyone I encounter.  But, I am working on it.  I'm thankful that the Lord is prodding my heart in that way.  Our world is in desparate need of sincere, pure Jesus kind of love.
*I want to be more generous.  My husband is a pro at this, so I get a front row seat at witnessing sweet generosity in action.  But, I want to do better at thinking of it on my own and not just chiming in with, "that's a great idea, honey."  I want to be generous with my time, money, and gifts.  I know God will give me plenty of opportunities to test myself in that!

Now, for week 9's verse:
"Your kingdom come, Your will be done--on earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10
I love the Lord's prayer.  I sing a song version of it over Micah everytime I lay her down for a nap.  It is so rich, so powerful.  As I contemplated what verse I felt I needed to pray for this week, the Lord's prayer kept popping into my head.  Then, on Sunday at church, we said the prayer together as a community and then sang a song with the words in it.  I knew it was what my heart needed this week.  And, I was right.  Chris is back in Ghana and will be there until next Wednesday.  After our crazy month, it was hard to say goodbye on Monday, but as I've prayed this verse this week, God has gently reminded me that His kingdom is coming--both here and in Ghana.  I am excited to see how else He stirs my spirit this week.

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