Saturday, March 5, 2011

fifteen months

{I decided to write letters to Micah every 3 months until she turns 2.  So, here is the first one of her second year of life!}

Sweet girl,

You are 15 months old and bring so much joy to our lives!  Seriously, I don't know how you could get much more fun than you are right now.  Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time at specific moments so that I won't ever forget just how much fun we have right now.  But, somehow as you grow, that just becomes more and more true!
You are doing so many things these days and learning more and more every single day.  I am constantly amazed by the things that you can do and understand.  You are definitely a little sponge, so momma has to be much more intentional about our time together.  You are hardly ever still these days and are walking and running every where!  You love to walk outside, but you are very skeptical of changes in terrain.  You want to be picked up when the sidewalk ends and grass begins.  You don't quite understand how to just step right off the sidewalk into the scares you.  You also sometimes to refuse to walk over cracks in the sidewalk.  It cracks me up!  You are adventurous and busy sometimes, but you are also a very cautious little girl at other times.
You are really into putting things in and taking things out of containers of all kinds.  We have added plastic cups, bowls, a metal lunchbox, and even an empty kleenex box to your toy collection because you love it so much.  You also have started to enjoy playing with your puzzles too.  I am thinking we need to do a little bit of upgrading with your toys because you are beginning to outgrow some of your "baby" toys.  You still love your babies the most which makes me so excited to see you as a big sister.
You love music and to dance.  You have a new dance move that is so almost just run in place.  I love to watch you!  You are also loving Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  It's the only show you will actually watch for any period of time.  That is fine with me because I don't want you to love television.  You love the hot dog song at the end and always get a huge smile on your face when it comes on!  You love the song "If you're happy and you know it" and will clap your hands and point to your sweet little face to "show us" you are happy.  So precious!
You are talking a whole lot more these days and attempting many more words.  Your favorites are still "mama" and "dada" which we love, and you like to experiment with different voice inflections when saying them.  You also have said: nana {banana}, bu bu {bye bye}, ba {ball}, ish {ice}, outside, eye, night night, and Ghana.  I'm sure I'm forgetting some, and I definitely need to be better about writing those down because I have a feeling your vocabulary is about to explode with all the talking you are doing these days!
You have finally decided to give up your morning nap.  It's sort of sad for me, but I know that it's the right thing for you.  Your afternoon nap is much better this way, so if you are happy, we are happy!  You had your second Valentine's day in the past 3 months, and we celebrated with a dinner date at Fish Daddy's.  We had fun as a family of three and always love taking you with us and watching you wave at everyone around us.  You are definitely a little social girl!  Everywhere we go, you are always talking to people around us and waving and smiling.  You are in your element when we are around people--you are definitely your daddy's little girl in that way!  We also went to Denver, and you did great, even with the adjustments we had to make to your sleeping schedule.  You were a trooper but were exhausted by the time we got home.  You had quite an eventful fourteenth month, but you are feeling much better.  Your finger is almost all healed, and pretty soon you won't be able to get sympathy from everyone that you show that little finger to!  You love to show it to family and friends with a sad face so they will kiss it for you.  Drama, mama :)
I am forgetting so many things, but basically, little love bug, we love you so much!  You make our world so much brighter, and we absolutely love your precious personality.  You are such a sweetheart but so full of passion and intensity.  You love to have people around you, but you can also be quite independent.  You are very strong willed but share toys like a champ.  You love to cuddle up with your momma and daddy in the mornings and evenings while you have your milk.  Those are some of our favorite times of the day.  We love reading a Bible story to you every night, singing with you, and praying over you.  I hope we will do that for  many more years with you, sweet girl.  We are so thankful for the blessing of you.  God created something amazingly special in you, and we love being your parents!  Happy 15 months, Micah!

I love you, to the moon and back!
Your Momma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love the idea of writing letters every 3 months now. It will be so much fun to compare your kids likes and dislikes and their personalities in general this way! Our little girl does just get sweeter and sweeter every day. I just know she is going to love being a big sister! Grandmama/Holly