Wednesday, November 25, 2009

38 weeks and Happy Thanksgiving!

38 weeks here we are, and it is officially the holiday season! I remember back at the beginning of April when we found out that we were expecting this sweet little one that it felt like this time of year would never get here. But, somehow, it has arrived, and I am getting a little impatient for another sweet arrival! My belly has gotten even bigger, and my excitement has too. Here is proof of the former:

At my 38 week appointment on Monday, Dr. G confirmed that my belly had gotten bigger and thinks that our sweet little girl may have put on a pound in the past week!! Wow. I am now dilated to 3 cm and about 75% effaced. Because of my progression and the fact that it is Thanksgiving week and Dr. G will be out of town this weekend, she asked if she could strip my membranes, which is a procedure that can stir things up and get labor going if it's super close. So, we said, "sure." I thought it might be painful but was pleasantly surprised that it was not bad at all. However, I am still here and still pregnant. We are still waiting but are thankful every moment for a healthy pregnancy and a few more restful nights together.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am mindful of all the things I have to be thankful for. I am beyond blessed and hope that tomorrow will not only be full of good food and family {my parents are celebrating with us here in Rowlett} but also a day to continually be reminded of how grateful we are for the things God has provided us. I am thankful for my sweet husband who is always willing to serve me and love me in whatever ways I need {and so much more that would take me forever to list here}. He truly is my best friend, and I adore him. I am thankful for this precious child growing inside of me. I cannot wait to meet her and begin the journey of being her mommy. I am thankful for my family and their unconditional love. I am thankful for great friends. I am thankful for my home where I have more space than I need and a bed, food, and comfortable temperatures with running water. I am thankful for Wrigley. And so so much more. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day.

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