Sunday, May 13, 2012


Motherhood is not always glamorous.
I've definitely heard that phrase more than a couple of times growing up, and now that I'm a mother, I have definitely agreed a few times.
However, I believe that motherhood is absolutely, positively, without a doubt glorious.
In all the sleepiness, snotty noses, fits, disobeying, crying, and the unknown, there are always moments in which I can see the glory of God if I am willing to look.
We have had some trying days in our household in the past few months with sickness, daddy being out of the country, potty training, and a very strong-willed two year old, but at the end of the day when I look {really look} into the eyes of my children, I feel overwhelming peace and joy and love.
That is why motherhood is glorious.
Because in the middle of it all, God reminds us that these little souls are so worth it, and we have the gift of experiencing the richness and fullness of life this much love brings.
Today, I am so thankful for the chance I have to be a mother.
I cannot imagine doing anything else.
Spending my days loving on these two kiddos is my dream come true, and even when it's tough {because it definitely is}, I am thankful that the Lord graciously reminds me that this time is a gift, that my children are gifts, and that being a mom is about much more than me.
I am also thankful for my mother who taught me all that I know about being one myself.  I am certain that I have butchered a lot of it because she was incredible, but her example is something I strive for.
I am so thankful for my mother in law who raised an amazing family and a son who loves, honors, protects, serves, and cherishes his family.
I am thankful for all the women who acted as mothers to me throughout my life at different times and different places.
I am thankful for all the mothers that I get to watch and learn from now as I am continuing to learn to mother my children and to those who help me mother them.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!  You have a hard but glorious job.
I am overwhelmed with thankfulness today...especially for these two little rascals that call me mommy.  I am one lucky girl.

1 comment:

Mom & Mimi said...

I've been fortunate to be near, involved and watch you be a mommy to our darling grand babies. You are an amazing Mother!

You're right, there are definitely tough moments but they are fleeting and the joy and happiness far, far exceeds those moments.

Thank you for the kind words. You know I made my own share of goofs, all mommies do so I need you to delete the "b" word. :-)

I love you Stacey Rebecca Field