Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's official. I have become a little bit of a crazy lady. My nesting instincts are kicking in, and I feel an insatiable need to make sure EVERYTHING is in its proper place and organized and clean. I definitely don't think this is entirely a bad thing. The bad thing is that it makes me slightly obsessed and frustrated until it's done. Which takes a little longer with a toddler and a 27 week pregnant belly. We are pushing through.

One of the things I am feeling anxious about is baby boy's room. I think we were almost done with Micah's at this point, and the only thing we have for him is a crib in a box. Poor baby. But we have lots of ideas and plans, and his bedding should arrive today! Yay! His room should be precious if we can pull it all together. Can't believe we only have about 12 weeks left until we meet this sweet little man!!!

So, all this nesting stuff may mean a few more episodes of Elmo for Micah, but I know it will all get done. And I'm trying to be okay with it if it doesn't because spending time with my baby girl while she's still an only child is a pretty good reason not to get stuff done in my book!

1 comment:

lindsey said...

only 12 weeks?? that is unbelievable (and SO exciting!). miss and love all of you.