Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March Picture a Day: Part 1

I'm definitely a little late jumping on this bandwagon, but when I saw all these picture a day posts floating around, it looked like fun and a good way to document the ordinary in each day. So, I decided to jump in for March.
If you want to start too, it's not too late ;)

Day 1: Up -- focusing my mind on what is important

Day 2: fruit -- our afternoon snack of oranges, blackberries, and blueberries.

Day 3: Your Neighborhood -- we live at the end of a circle, and we love that it is quiet and not too busy for our kids to play in the driveway.

Day 4: Bedside -- lamp, clock, water, baby monitor...all the essentials :)

Day 5: A Smile

Day 6: 5pm -- maybe my favorite time of the day

Day 7: Something You Wore -- my wedding ring that was my grandma's

Day 8: Window -- Micah's view after we dropped daddy off for another trip to Ghana.

Day 9: Red -- Micah's little red chair

Day 10: Loud -- Kids singing "happy birthday"

Day 11: Someone You Talked To -- so many conversations :)

Day 12: Fork -- Micah's favorite princess fork

Day 13: A Sign -- that my baby girl is growing up and putting her own shoes on...the wrong feet ;)

Day 14: Clouds -- so nice to see blue skies and white clouds after days of gray

Day 15: Car -- Micah's version all loaded up with her baby and water

If you want to participate, take a peek and a pic!

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