Wednesday, June 22, 2011

it can't be

It can't be possible that my baby girl is...
completing her own puzzles easily with no help from her momma,
eating a snack while watching Elmo and sitting on the couch like a big girl,
 and asking to go" tee tee" in the big potty {no, she hasn't actually been successful yet, and yes, this will be in a slideshow someday ;)}
When did my baby girl grow up?!?
Although I sure did love this little bald headed baby {from just one year ago}...
I love my big Micah girl so so much, too!


Alison said...

oh, stacey! she is just beautiful these days! those last 2 pictures say it all...she is so big! i cracked up because this post sounds just like Cailyn when she was Micah's age, but now we have a little Corban that only sits for like 5 min. of a video and MIGHT finish 3 pieces of a puzzle before getting up. different priorities that little boy has! reading this sure brings back fond memories of those days with my sweet {only} child. :) i know you're treasuring this alone time with her...your days are numbered till sweet baby {boy} field arrives! take care of yourself!

lindsey said...

these are some ridiculously cute pictures!! where in the world has the time gone??? lee lee LOVES her sweet micah baby.

Mom & Mimi said...

Your right...time has flown but you have been so blessed. There's nothing more precious than time spent being with your babies.

I love you Stace!