Friday, February 4, 2011


Micah's hair is growing a lot right now.  It's getting thicker and longer, and it makes me wonder what it will look like when she's a little older.  Some days it has a little bit of curl to it, so I wonder if it will get more curly as it grows or will it be mostly straight like mine.  
All I know is that I love this sweet girl and her growing hair.
We've had some fun days with this hair lately.

One day, she woke up from her nap with hair like this...
Holy craziness!  She plays with her hair while she falls asleep, so I guess that must have contributed to the sticking up everywhere look.  Hilarious.
And, finally, a day I've been looking forward to since I found out Micah was going to be a girl...her first PIGTAILS!!!
Too.Dang.Cute.  Seriously.  I could eat her up with these sweet pigtails.  She is just too precious.
Love it.
Now, we just need to work on leaving them in for more than 20 minutes.

1 comment:

lindsey said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! she looks like such a big girl in those piggies...not to mention, the unbearable cuteness. love her so much.