Sunday, June 24, 2012

Two and A Half


You are two and a half years old, and you have blessed your daddy and me every single day for those two and a half years.  You made us parents, and we are so thankful that God gave you to us. You are so full of life, and you bring us an insane amount of joy.  We laugh every day because of you, and so many of our smiles are a result of you.  Your life is such an incredible gift.
The Lord has gifted you with amazing passion.  You are intensely passionate about pretty much everything in your little life, and I love seeing that in you already.  We are excited to see the ways that this manifests itself as you continue to grow.  Sometimes your passion means that you are a little bit stubborn, but you are learning to listen and obey so much better. Your love for life inspires me to enjoy mine a little more, too!
You almost never stop talking.  I love, love, love our conversations.  You have converted your momma to a person who pretty much never has the radio on in the car, all because we just talk the whole time.  You love to ask questions and are so curious about the world around you.  You really want to know about and understand things, and it's fun to watch as you begin to make connections.  You communicate so well, and I know your daddy and I are spoiled by this.  You love to sing too and have even been known to make up words to your own songs.  I need to write some of these down!
You have more energy than I could ever dream of having!  You go nonstop, and a lot of times you run wherever you are going.  You play all day long and will only stop for food or the occasional episode of Dora, Diego, Bubble Guppies, or Kai Lan.  Even then, you usually watch standing up in the middle of the living room.  I love watching your imagination come alive and seeing you pretend with your babies.  It is seriously one of my favorite things to catch you in the middle of your own little world--precious.  It makes me melt.  You are just beginning to get into princesses and princess movies, and you call daddy your prince.  You will never know how that makes him feel, but he adores you.
You are a lover of people.  You light up when you see familiar faces, and you love remembering people's names.  You love your little brother, and I love watching that relationship grow.  You love food, make no mistake about that!  You love to go places and to be outside.  You love to have people at our house.  You love going on runs with daddy in the morning and especially love running the last stretch down our street.
My sweet girl, you amaze me and remind me of God's goodness each time I see your precious face or hear your voice.  One of my favorite moments in your life has been hearing you recite your life verse from memory.  We have prayed those words over you since the moment we found out you were a little girl, and we continue to pray that your life would be one of justice, mercy, and close relationship with the Lord.  You are beautiful, and you are going to change the world.

I love you, Micah--to the moon and back!
Your Mommy

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