Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Four Months

 Beckett Lucas,

You turned four months old on the 16th, and you just seem to get more precious every single day. I feel like the time is flying by, and it kind of makes me sad. I just want the days to slow down so I can soak up every moment and enjoy you in all your sweetness right now. But, I am trying really hard to take the time to slow down when I can. You are so wonderful, my precious son, and I just cannot get enough of you. I think I could just stare at you and kiss your little dimpled cheeks all day long {and believe me, I do both of those a whole lot}!
This month you added rolling from your tummy to your back to your repertoire of skills. I missed it the first time you did it because you were on your tummy when I went to get a toy for your big sister, and when I got back to you, you were on your back. You have done it a couple of times since then. Laying you on furniture without pillow barriers is no longer possible. You have become a rockstar at tummy time too. You pick that head up so high and just look all around. After a while, you get tired and let us know you are ready to turn back over, but you forget that you didn't like it on your tummy and almost always immediately roll back over. Silly boy.
You are using your hands more and more, and I love watching you concentrate so hard on trying to grab a toy. Toys are definitely beginning to get your attention more, so we pulled out some of your sister's old toys. You love to suck on your hands, and you have a super strong grip! One of your favorite things to grab is mommy's hair, and it takes a lot of work to get you to let go :) You are becoming more fond of your pacifier for soothing yourself when you are ready to go to sleep.
Speaking of sleep, you have regressed a little bit. Your naps have become so short this month, and you rarely sleep longer than 45 minutes at a time during the day, unless I am holding you and can help you get back to sleep when you wake up. Your nighttime sleep has also been a little less predictable. Some nights you wake up once to eat and others you wake up at least two times. Mommy is definitely tired, but you are more than worth it. We are going to try to work on getting you on a more consistent schedule and see if that helps. I try to enjoy each moment in the middle of the night because I know that all too soon you won't be my baby boy anymore.
You are still smiling and laughing and talking all the time. You seriously will smile at pretty much anyone if they make eye contact and smile or talk sweet to you. My favorite is when you see your daddy or sister across the room, and your whole face lights up in a huge smile at the sound of one of their voices. You love to coo, and most nights when you wake up, you don't cry but just talk so sweetly. You love to laugh at your sister, and she loves to make you laugh. The sound of you two laughing together has to be the sweetest sound ever.
You love your bath and will kick and kick and laugh. I love it! You also really like your bouncy seat and will just play in it and kick until you put yourself to sleep. You started sleeping in your crib the night before you turned four months old, and I think it has been good for all of us even though it made your mommy a little sad. You still have the sweetest disposition, and people are always telling us how sweet and laid back you are. We love it!
My sweet boy, you are too precious for words. I fall more in love with you each day as I see your little personality grow more and more. You bring such a sense of calm wherever you are, and your contentment is such a blessing. I know you will teach us so much about being content as you grow, and I pray that it is always a part of your nature. You are our sunshine boy, Beckett. Your daddy and I absolutely adore you and cannot begin to imagine life without you. Happy four months, Beckett boy!

I love you to the moon and back!
Your Mommy

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