Saturday, August 24, 2013


 My dear Beckett,

You turned two just one week ago, and each day it seems that you are becoming more of a little boy.  I know this is cliche, but I truly feel like I was walking into the hospital to deliver you just a few months ago not two whole years ago.  Time has gone crazy fast, but I could not be more thankful to have already had two years knowing you.  You are an incredible little person, and the Lord is already working His glory in and through you.  The truth is that even as you melt into a little boy right before my eyes, I am so thankful for the creation and gift of enjoying each day with you and seeing who you are becoming.

Your sweetness and gentleness are so evident, and I pray that you will always have a gentle soul--that your strength will not come at the cost of your compassion.  Your dimples still get me every time I see them, and I cannot tell you how many times a day your daddy and I look at each other and say, "he is too cute."  The way you smile, tilt your head, say different words and phrases, and imitate your brother and sister are just some of the things that contribute to your cuteness.  You adore Famous and Micah, and the feeling is mutual.  Really, we all just adore you and your sweet kisses that you dole out every night to each family member, over and over, before you go to bed.

A lot has happened in your little world in the past month, and every night I pray for your little heart in this time of transition.  You have handled it all like a champ and are still such a joy. Your bring a richness and peace into this family that could never be overstated.  You have a calming way about you that centers me even after tough, long days.  You and I, my sweet boy, are so alike, and I sometimes find myself comforted just by your presence because I "get" you.  I am deeply thankful for the bond that we share.  Your life has changed me in ways that I never predicted or knew that I needed.  I could not be more thankful that God gave us you two years ago.  Happy Birthday, Beckett Lucas!

I love you, to the moon and back!
Your Mommy

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